
The Longevity Blueprint personal development 10+ Hours Course & PDF Guides

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Price:  5.00 USD | Size: 2.85 GB  |  Duration :  10+ Hours  | 46 Video Lessons | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9


SKU: THE-LNG-BLP-10 Category: Tags: ,


Price:  5.00 USD | Size: 2.85 GB  |  Duration :  10+ Hours  | 46 Video Lessons | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.9



The Longevity Blueprint  10+ Hours Course & PDF Guides

A program for the person who wants to extend their lifespan by years or even decades, and live to the fullest at any age

Does it ever feel like your body, your health, and your energy levels just aren’t quite what they used to be?

You could be in decent physical shape – but you now need to exercise longer and harder than usual just to maintain your strength and weight.

Or you could be a productive professional or business owner – but now more than ever, you’re struggling to find time for those exhausting and time-consuming gym sessions.

Or you could be in your later years – but you’re not enjoying your free time the way you imagined, because you just don’t have the energy and strength you once had.

Whichever category you fall in, chances are you’ve just chalked it up to aging, and how it’s an unavoidable part of life.

But while it’s true that aging is natural, what isn’t natural are our beliefs about HOW we age.

Muscle loss, dulled skin, diminished energy, reduced stamina, aching joints, brittle bones, uneven posture: we’ve been conditioned to believe all these and more are just inevitable parts of “growing old”.

But what if that understanding of aging wasn’t a fact – but rather an option?

And what if it was possible to choose a better option? One that rewards you with a long, fulfilling lifetime of youthful energy, unshakable health, and remarkable fitness?

This better option is what you gain with the Longevity Blueprint: a science-based approach by fitness visionary Ben Greenfield, that will completely transform how you perceive and experience aging.

Transform Your Body, Health & Life With The Longevity Blueprint

The Longevity Blueprint program is an easy-to-follow protocol that combines cutting-edge body performance science with the time-tested traditions of the world’s longest-living cultures – and gives you the ultimate solution to a long, healthy, fulfilling life.

In just 5 – 20 minutes a day, your body is reconditioned with natural physiological changes that elevate every marker of your wellbeing – from your strength and your mobility, to your energy levels and longevity, and more.

But what you won’t find in this program are gruelling, long workouts that leave you sore and exhausted.

Why? Because the latest science has proven that many of the gruelling workouts promoted by the fitness industry actually cause widespread inflammation, damage the cardiovascular system, erode your joints, and actually age you faster!

And so instead of pushing harder, running longer, or doing more reps, you enjoy a beautifully optimized process takes as little time and effort as possible, and transforms you in four key areas: Fitness | Health | Beauty | Longevity

The Curriculum

Explore The Longevity Blueprint

The Longevity Blueprint program is an easy-to-follow process that systematically enhances your overall wellness – and rewards you with a body that looks great, feels great, works at its full potential, and lasts.

For 7 weeks, you’ll join Ben Greenfield in a series of 15-20 minute daily online lessons designed to simulate a private 1-on-1 session with him (which normally costs upwards of $4,997 a month and has a waiting list booked months in advance).

In each session, you’ll discover a transformational strategy, technique, or biohack that’s fun and easy to incorporate into your daily schedule – no matter how busy or stressed out you may be.

As you progress through the program, you’ll quickly notice profound changes in how your body looks and feels. And by the time you reach the end, you’ll have all the tools, habits, and knowledge you need to live the rest of your life in a state of extraordinary wellness and longevity.






Metabolic Efficiency & Mobility



Strength to Muscle Mass Ratio



Anaerobic Capacity & Joint Health



Life Stamina



Cardiovascular Fitness & Recovery

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