
Learn Altium Essentials Switching Power Supply Design Course

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $6.00.

Price: 6.00 USD | Size: 2.68 GB |   Duration : 5.53 Hours |6 Video Lessons |




Price: 6.00 USD | Size: 2.68 GB |   Duration : 5.53 Hours |6 Video Lessons |



Learn Altium Essentials Switching Power Supply Design Course

“Learn Altium Essentials Switching Power Supply Design”


Switching Power Supply Design Course
After this course, you will know how to design your own boards in Altium Designer. A switching power supply design is used as an example to demonstrate the whole process of designing a board. You can follow all the steps based on the video, repeat them and then design your own boards.

This course is perfect for beginners and anyone starting with Altium Designer. Ideal for companies with fresh hires or young engineers. You will get a lot of useful tips about designing a switching power supply and using Altium Designer.
Why switching power supply? They are used on almost every board!
THIS COURSE IS FOR: Beginners, Hobbyists, Students and young Engineers. No previous Altium Designer knowledge required.

What will you learn?

It’s a step-by-step commented video that has been captured throughout the whole power supply design process. Even if you have never designed any board before, just by repeating all the steps in the video, by the end of this course you will design switching power supply board. When you design the board from this course, you will have all the most important knowledge about using Altium Designer, you can continue all by yourself on your own projects and design your own boards.

Starting a new project
(Creating project, adding schematic pages, creating schematic symbol library)

Creating schematic symbols
(Creating a chip, resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, pads, .)

Drawing a schematic
(Placing components into schematic, connecting pins, .)

Finishing schematic
(About annotations and designators, adding text and descriptions, achematic compilation and check, .)

Schematic Tips & Tricks
(About net names, power names, about pull up/downs .)

Creating footprints
(Creating footprints, using component wizard, about layers in Altium, .)

Stackup and Rules
(Setting up stackup, setting up rules for layout)

Component placement
(How to place components into your PCB, what is important, how to select component in schematic and place it in PCB, .)

Working in Altium
(Explaining all the important commands and settings, going through all the common situations which you may need)

Doing PCB layout
(What is important during layout, connecting pins and drawing tracks, working with polygons, .)

Improving and finishing PCB layout
(DRC check, clearing violations, setting up thermal relief, adding text, .)

Generating outputs for PCB manufacturing
(Output to PDF, NC Drill, Gerber files, .)


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