
Host & Network Penetration Testing Exploitation Course

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Price: 10.00 USD | Size: 10.0 GB |  Duration : 8.19 Hours  | 29 Video Lessons | Bonus :  Penetration Testing PDF Guides



Price: 10.00 USD | Size: 10.0 GB |  Duration : 8.19 Hours  | 29 Video Lessons | Bonus :  Penetration Testing PDF Guides



What about this course?

Exploitation consists of the tactics, techniques and procedures that attackers/adversaries utilize in order to gain an initial foothold on a target system and consequently the target network. The ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities is an important skill to master on your journey to becoming a skilled penetration tester. In this course, you will learn about how to identify vulnerabilities on a target by performing banner grabbing and vulnerability detection. In addition to identifying vulnerabilities, you will also learn how to search for and modify exploit code that will be used to exploit a particular vulnerability on a target system. Furthermore, this course will also introduce you to bind and reverse shells and will demonstrate how they work and how they can be used to gain remote access to a Windows or Linux target. After identifying vulnerabilities on a target system, you will learn how to exploit these vulnerabilities both manually and automatically through the use of exploitation frameworks like Metasploit and PowerShell-Empire. This course also covers the process of encoding and obfuscating exploits and payloads in order to avoid detection by signature based AV’s. The objective of this course is to give you in-depth hands-on skills necessary to identify and exploit vulnerabilities on a target system both manually and automatically.


1. Introduction
1. Course Introduction

2. Introduction To Exploitation
2. Introduction To Exploitation
3. Vulnerability Scanning

3. Banner Grabbing
4. Vulnerability Scanning With Nmap Scripts
5. Vulnerability Scanning With Metasploit

4. Searching For Exploits
6. Searching For Publicly Available Exploits
7. Searching For Exploits With SearchSploit

5. Fixing Exploits
8. Fixing Exploits
9. Cross-Compiling Exploits

6. Bind & Reverse Shells
10. Netcat Fundamentals
11. Bind Shells
12. Reverse Shells
13. Reverse Shell Cheatsheet

7. Exploitation Frameworks
14. The Metasploit Framework (MSF)
15. PowerShell-Empire

8. Windows Exploitation
16. Windows Black Box Penetration Test
17. Port Scanning & Enumeration – Windows
18. Targeting Microsoft IIS FTP
19. Targeting OpenSSH
20. Targeting SMB
21. Targeting MySQL Database Server

9. Linux Exploitation
22. Linux Black Box Penetration Test
23. Port Scanning & Enumeration – Linux
24. Targeting vsFTPd
25. Targeting PHP
26. Targeting SAMBA

10. AV Evasion & Obfuscation
27. AV Evasion With Shellter
28. Obfuscating PowerShell Code
11. Conclusion
29. Course Conclusion

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