
Expert Training Referral Program Guide:

Unlock exciting rewards with our Expert Training Referral Program! It’s easy to earn while sharing the knowledge. Simply navigate to “My Account” and click on “My Wallet.” There, you’ll find your unique Referral URL. Share this URL with your friends, family, and colleagues, and for every successful referral signup, you’ll earn a fantastic $5 referral commission. It’s a win-win – you get rewarded for spreading the word about Expert Training, and your friends get access to top-notch training. Start referring today and watch your earnings grow as you help others embark on their learning journey. Join our community of advocates and make learning rewarding for everyone!

Go to your Referral account : https://expertrainingdownload.com/my-account-2/woo-wallet/referrals/

  1. Log in to Your Account:
    Users should log in to their accounts on your platform.
  2. Navigate to My Wallet:
    Once logged in, users can access the “My Wallet” section on their account dashboard.
  3. Generate Referral URL:
    Within the “My Wallet” section, users will find a “Referrals” tab or a similar option.
    Clicking on it will generate a unique referral URL for the user.
  4. Copy Your Referral URL:
    Users can copy the generated referral URL. This URL will be unique to them and will be used to track referrals.
  5. Share Referral URL:
    Users can share the referral URL with their friends, family, or anyone interested in joining the expert training program.
  6. Referral Signups:
    When someone clicks on the referral URL and signs up for the expert training program, the system will track the referral.
  7. Automated Tracking:
    Ensure that your system has an automated tracking mechanism to identify referrals. Use cookies, referral codes, or other methods to link the new signup to the referring user.
  8. Referral Commission:
    For each successful referral signup, the referring user should receive a $5 referral commission. This can be added directly to their wallet or processed through a payment method of their choice.
  9. Dashboard Updates:
    Keep the user informed about their referral progress through the account dashboard. Display the number of successful referrals and the total referral earnings.
  10. Withdrawal Options:
    Provide users with options to withdraw their referral earnings. This could include direct bank transfers, PayPal, or other popular payment methods.
  11. Promotional Material: (DOWNLOAD)
    To help users promote their referral links, provide them with promotional material such as banners, social media posts, or email templates.
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